Basic Scuba Diving Equipment
Scuba diving equipment is needed to make visiting the underwater world a safe and comfortable experience. Scuba gear helps you in transitioning from a terrestrial to a marine being. The basic requirements while diving under water are a clear vision , ability to swim and ability to breathe. In addition to these, you also need to maintain your body at a comfortable temperature. Let us now see some of the basic scuba diving equipment: 1. Scuba: It is a Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. This enables the diver to move freely under water. He can breathe independent of the surface supply under water. This apparatus basically consists of scuba tanks which are high-pressure cylinders which hold high volumes of compressed air. 2. Exposure Protection: When diving underwater, the diver needs protection from water and protection from scraping/ cutting, etc. This is provided by Wet suit, Dry suit, and Body Suit. 3. Diving Mask: A diving mask is an important part of scuba diving gea...